Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am thankful.

Throughout the month of November, I am going to blog about the things for which I am most thankful!  The first two things I would like to blog about are my two most important relationships: my relationship with Jesus Christ, my Savior and King, and my relationship with Ryder, my wonderful husband.

I am so thankful for Jesus.  As I learn and grow, I realize more and more how blessed I am to have a Heavenly Father; He forgives me, loves me, guides me, carries me, and never leaves me.  So often, we turn to things other than Christ when things are great and when times are hard.  When everything is going well in life, we might remember to thank God for His blessings but sometimes we just enjoy the ride without glorifying the One who created it.  When everything is hard, we turn to things such as social media, food, anything that distracts us from reality instead of turning to our Heavenly Father who promises to be our light when times are dark.  Lately, God has been teaching me that turning to Him, in good times and bad, makes life so much more beautiful.  I see things more clearly, I find more appreciation for every day life, I have peace in my soul, and I feel all the love He has placed around me.  I do not deserve to be called His child, but He calls me by name, as His daughter, regardless of my faults.  He teaches me and never gives up on me.  Thank You for Your love and mercy, Yahweh.

I am also so thankful for Ryder.  I am thankful for Ryder because he loves the Lord more than he loves me; because of his love for our Heavenly Father, God uses him to encourage and support my faith walk. God uses him to teach me and lead me as the spiritual leader he is Biblically called to be.  I am also thankful for Ryder because I know that he loves me with all of his heart.  Every ounce of love that God designed for a wife to hold in her husband's heart is mine and I am so thankful to know that.  Ryder constantly shows me the love of Christ by his service and leadership in our home.  I appreciate that he constantly strives to learn more about me and communicate with me.  He does sweet little things like telling me how beautiful I am, how I steal his heart each and every day, how he appreciates my work in our home and the support I give him, and how thankful he is for me.  But those words would not mean what they do if I did not know there was truth in his words based on his actions towards me.  He loves his Lord and he loves me; he shows his love in all the things he does.  {Along with all these wonderful things, he is also the most handsome, cute, funny, intelligent, sweet, awesome man ever created ;)}

I've blogged twice today.  It feels good to write things down! :)  And now you know the two things of which I am most thankful...there are more to come!

Lots of Love,


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